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Blog Journal 8

 Web Design Assignment New Skills

While working on the Web Design Assignment, I used a very basic and modern design aesthetic and decided to make the website very user-friendly and easy to maneuver around for both students and parents ease of access. I actually consulted a resource that helped me design the website so that those with attention disabilities could use it without issue as I've known people in the past that have struggled in this respect. I made sure to have information in multiple spots in different formats, like the curriculum for parents in two spots (so they're aware of topics and can assist at home) with a link to a comprehensive website, and also put the helpful sources (videos) that accompanied this curriculum for the students to use for help in comprehension. I really liked this activity though I have personally used weekly in the past in a professional setting so it was relatively easy for me to utilize and I had no real issues in putting the site together. I did dislike my own ability to be cohesive which would have been preventable if I had looked ahead at the assignment, so I had to change things like my signup genius to include on the site and I ran out of time to include the newsletter I used previously due to lack of continuity because of this issue. I can use website design skills in the future to put my best foot forward and claim these skills when applying for a job and can show my talent through such things as a website, placing me above others in the market if I continue to develop these skills as technology continues to advance. 

AI Tools Daily Use

In my daily life I don't really use AI tools that much as I've just not had any previous exposure to such tools and am accustomed to using what I've already learned the ins and outs of. However, In Class, I am starting to feel a lot more comfortable in using these tools and can admit to using Chat GPT for assistance in finding sources for a research project - though I did verify the results the old fashioned way nonetheless. I am motivated to use AI and find that Canva's AI features were very interesting and I due to my current usage of Canva, I see myself using this in the future. My only question about AI tools is what other ones are there that I am not aware of and could be using to make my life easier as they seem very useful and easy to use.

Chat GPT Experience

While using Chat GPT in class, this became something that I see myself using in the future as a helpful tool to streamline results in a more time efficient manner. I did learn that AI Chatbots are easily used due to this particular bot's ability to follow up on commands/requests with small changes to get desired results that fit in line with what you're looking for. I used this for the Powerpoint assignment in helping me figure out what information to cover for my desired grade level, because my interest in history left me stumped in what to cover within the grade level etc and what would be too much information or too far of a stretch for the curriculum. My perception of AI has changed a bit because I thought they were not quite user-friendly and were very narrow in their abilities, but I came around because it was easier than I thought to use and I really didn't know what Chat GPT was or how to go about accessing such programs. I envisioned a vast amount of coding and money was needed to access or use Chat GPT because I was really unaware of what exactly it was. potential challenges in AI for student could be addressed by being transparent with the parents and guardians of the children and putting safeguards in place if not already in place through the school or the school district in parental-type controls. I can also narrow the range of what I ask of the students to ensure nothing is viewed that could be inappropriate and double check myself this scope to verify results and how to get what I'm expecting from the students.

AI Tools for Productivity

I think that AI tools can easily enhance productivity and be used to streamline work processes. in my personal experience, Chat GPT has already helped me in acquiring basic information for projects or a starting point for my own research. I see myself using AI tools in the future for this very reason due to it being a lot easier than I originally thought to use. the vast amount of information was also quite the shock, seeing how much AI truly is advanced than what I assumed it was originally I will use Ai to enhance productivity in the classroom by allowing students to use AI to create images, like the painting thing we were shown in class, and also using things like Chat GPT as a resource to assist in higher-level students for research purposes like I used previously.


  1. I love this post so much! Your website was put together really well and I think you used the CRAAP principles when making your website! I also liked how accessible the website was!

  2. I love your website! It includes a lot of well organized and well thought out information and looks like it can be used for a real class. I like how you included information about the school and district as well.

  3. Your website looks so good! The alignment and proximity of the website look great. I like how you made the pictures in the resources section be the hyperlinks.

  4. Your website is extremely well made! There is a clear repetition and use of elements that give the website its overall theme. Every section one each of the pages is well aligned, and it is extremely easy to tell where certain sections and paragraphs of the site begin and where they end. Everything is spaced out evenly, no design element looks out of place or awkwardly thrown in. The only thing that needs work is the lack of contrast of differing colors to make it stand out more.


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