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Bitmoji Classroom


This is my Bitmoji classroom, created in Google Slides with the Bitmoji extension on Chrome


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Blog Journal 8

 Web Design Assignment New Skills While working on the Web Design Assignment, I used a very basic and modern design aesthetic and decided to make the website very user-friendly and easy to maneuver around for both students and parents ease of access. I actually consulted a resource that helped me design the website so that those with attention disabilities could use it without issue as I've known people in the past that have struggled in this respect. I made sure to have information in multiple spots in different formats, like the curriculum for parents in two spots (so they're aware of topics and can assist at home) with a link to a comprehensive website, and also put the helpful sources (videos) that accompanied this curriculum for the students to use for help in comprehension. I really liked this activity though I have personally used weekly in the past in a professional setting so it was relatively easy for me to utilize and I had no real issues in putting the site together

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Blog Journal 6

 Diigo Experience I personally enjoyed learning about Diigo and I think it's a wonderful tool to bookmark information and annotate websites, but it's not really something I'm personally interested in. there are some limitations and tools that I wish were included in the features Diigo has with its' annotation feature, though the bookmark part of the software does seem all inclusive and able to be organized efficiently. I like how searchable information is on the bookmark section, if and only if the keywords and tags in addition to the comment on the bookmark is thorough and thought through to make sure it is actually searchable for the desired information, otherwise it's basically useless in my mind. the annotation capabilities we went through were cool but I would've like for the sticky-note feature to be more user friendly and able to be resized to fit the website page for easier access to them without compromising the information on the website which may or m